"But if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea', and it would obey you." -Luke 17:6

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Embryo Update

Why hello again!  Think it's time for a little update, don't you?  Let me see...where to start...

How about I tell you about the mexican aliens?  Yes, you read that right.  And no, it's not the pain meds talking!  I am convinced that at any moment, my skin is going to rip open and a group of mexican aliens will come bounding out of my bloated stomach, complete with sombreros, singing "La Cucaracha" and playing a tiny mexican guitar.  They are practicing their routine in their as we speak.  No lie!

Ok, as kooky as that sounds, it's a pretty good description of how I am feeling right now!  The bloating is worse, I've gained three pounds since yesterday (all fluid), and I can't stand up straight without having sharp pains in my stomach/back.  It's horrible.  But it's gotta start getting better soon, right?  I've got to keep looking at the positive!  Which brings me to my next tidbit of info to share...

Dr T called me today to check on me and to give us the latest progress report on our amazing little embryos!  This really made my day, because I've been thinking about how they're doing, how many will make it to the FET, are they homesick and missing their mommy already...lol.  But really, I have been thinking about them a lot and praying that God will protect these tiny miracles (and I know He will!) and that no matter how many make it through this process, they will grow to be healthy, happy, bouncing babies some day soon!

Alright, I know it's driving you nuts to know how many there are now, so let me get to it...there are a total of eleven embryos that have made it to day 5!  Woohoo!!!  Out of these, four are "beautiful...just great!" (per Dr T), and will be frozen today.  The other seven will continue to be cultured until tomorrow and then frozen if they survive.  They will call back tomorrow with the final number---I'm so excited!!

I am just amazed at the blessings God continues to bestow upon us.  All I can do is praise His name and pray that we use these blessings and our journey (even the bumps along the way) to glorify Him in every way!

1 comment:

  1. Just think of all those boating as a way to stretch that belly skin out slowly so WHEN you get pregnant you won't get any stretch marks...lol =] Stay Positive Sista!!! Love ya
