"But if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea', and it would obey you." -Luke 17:6

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rough Day (Whine Alert)

Let me clarify: the appointment went fine and everything is a-okay!  It was just the rest of the day that was "blah"!

I didn't get any specifics on my lining or estrogen level today.  They said my uterus "looks good", and that my levels "were great", and I am to start my Estrogen pills (2mg) Friday night (taking one that night and then two Saturday and Sunday night).  I didn't really ask for details this time, since I know we have a full two weeks to go before The Big Day, so I have plenty of time to grow that cushy lining and raise that estrogen!

I also didn't ask for numbers because they told me I could expect good ole' Aunt Flo again any day (since I stopped the BCP Sunday night), which would decrease the thickness of my lining and estrogen level anyway.  And boy, were they right.  About thirty minutes after leaving the office, I started cramping something wicked.  And then, right smack in the middle of my Wednesday morning meeting, she showed up.  How kind of her to grace me with her presence...NOT!

I don't know what it is about a woman's cycle, and maybe I'm just a wimp (this is highly likely---just ask my husband, lol), but it'll take the energy right out of ya!  For the rest of the morning, I felt sluggish and just "icky".  It doesn't help that I am coming down with a cold (gifted to me from my family who came to visit...thanks guys! It was worth getting to see y'all though! :) ) and have been congested and achy for the last few days.  I think the combination of the two have really just zapped me of any spunk and drive I had left for the week.  I'm done!  I'm throwing in the towel! (Or maybe I should throw in the sanitary pad or kleenex...lol.)

Okay, enough whining for one day.  On a brighter note: at least it's Wednesday evening!  That means only fourteen days of work left and fifteen days till our little snow babies come home!  Even in my state of ickiness and germ-infestation, that makes me one happy camper!  Now, time for some Midol, cold medicine, and hot tea...night guys! :)

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