I made it! I made it through the looooong nine day work week! To celebrate keeping my sanity, my hubby and I got to enjoy a yummy dinner out last night (I love our date nights!), and then a day out on the boat today with his mom...perfection! Now that I'm refreshed, it's time to go back to work. The next two days are going to be quite busy, but then I have the whole beautiful weekend to look forward to! I think there is some mindless TV watching, sun bathing, reading, and napping in my future...:)
Now, I promised I would update everyone on our FET schedule, so here it is!
-July 30th @2:45pm: FET consult with Dr T, where we sign more consents and fork over more money. (Even though it's an additional cost, here's a praiseworthy tidbit of info: we received a small credit back from the initial IVF cost since we never did the transfer, so this will be put towards the cost of the FET. And overall, the FET cost is only 1/3 of the IVF cost---can we say "PTL"?!)
-August 11th-28th: BCP
-Starting sometime the last week of BCP: Lupron injections (luckily, these are the ones that SUPPRESS my ovaries and not stimulate them! Whew!)
-These will last until the week of September 17th, in order to keep my body from ovulating before the transfer...can you imagine that?? If I ovulated and somehow conceived (that would definitely be a miracle--but it can happen!) at the same time I had two embryos transplanted?? Holy schnikies! That would be a-maz-ing, but I don't think we want three or four babies at once!
-September 20th OR 21st: TRANSFER DAY!! They will thaw out a few of our embies the night before, so there is a chance that some of them may not make it and that could affect the transfer date. But we're going to stay positive, stay faithful, and know that God is totally and 100% in control!
-Progesterone injections will start again the day of the transfer and will last until either we receive a BFN or until the start of the second trimester. I have to admit, I have not missed these shots...and neither has my poor bum! lol But if I have to take a shot in the tush everyday for twelve weeks in order to help my baby grow, that's what I'm gonna do!
-The first few days after the transfer I will be on modified bedrest, just so those babies have a chance to implant and get all cozy for the long ride ahead! I will take the day of the transfer off (either a Thursday or Friday) and then use that weekend to relax and focus on God's little miracle that will be going on in my body!
-October 1st or 2nd (depending on the transfer date): the official pregnancy test!! They will draw my blood some time in the morning, and by the early afternoon, we should know something! This will surely be one of the longest days our lives, but I will constantly be praying for God's perfect plan to unfold, so that will help pass the time and keep me focused!
So that's it in a nut shell! We are more than excited for this part of the process--it's been a long time coming! Even though things have been stretched out longer than expected, we know without a shadow of a doubt that God's will is being done, and that He will continue to bless us and use us, no matter what the outcome! All I can do is praise Him for what He's done and what He's going to do: "Who is like You among the gods, O Lord? Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises, and working wonders?" (Exodus 15:11) :)
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